• Vimuktha Federation


Whatwe do

Our charity helps those people who have no hope

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    Native Medicare Charitable Trust, an NGO based at Coimbatore undertook a project from 2004 –2007

    with the support of Karl Kuebel Stiftung, Germany for the rehabilitation of child labourers among the migrants and slum dwellers in Coimbatore. The project under took activities such as identication of child laboursers, conducting special schools, bridge course centres, vocational training centres for these child labours and mainstreamed them in regular government schools.

    •  Vimuktha Federation


      Vimuktha Federation motivates and encourages pedagogic development of a child. It also believes that “Right Education at Right time” would empower the life of the migrants and slum dwellers.

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    •  Vimuktha Federation


      Vimuktha Federation strongly believes in preservation of health rather than cure. It takes great steps in the health of the migrants and slum dwellers. Through plethora of studies it observes

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    •  Vimuktha Federation


      Food, Shelter, Amenities and employment are more essential for living, but, it is considered as problem indicators in the life of many people. To overcome the huddles,

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  • The Federation functions from a small office set up in the premises of NMCT, however they are independently
    managed by their own board of trustees.

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Sustainable development among

the women living in the working area of the federation

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Valii kanuvai

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient salos montes ascetur ridiculus. mus. Nultl dui. Fusce feugiat male suada odio. Morbi nunc odio gravida at cursus. Morbi nunc odio gravida at cursus.


Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis Morbi nunc odio gravida at cursus. parturient salos montes ascetur ridiculus. mus. Nultl dui. Fusce feugiat male suada odio. Morbi nunc odio gravida at cursus.

Kalpana somayampalayam
 Vimuktha Federation